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Kelvin Abney - You Have The Power To Become A Healthier You!

At times, we have moments where we feel like we are not enough and we fall into degrees of worthlessness, especially when dealing with adversities in life. People talking negatively about us, financial pressures, health issues, spiritual challenges, relationship ordeals and temptations put us in a place of inadequacies and we feel like all hope is lost at times. We may even say negative things about ourselves that may hold us down. Trust me, I know exactly how you feel, but I want you to remember just one thing.......You are bigger than how people see because you have the power to change.


For example, I have personally been crucified verbally, mistreated and disrespected by people in my life including those who claim they love me. I have had challenges with maintaining physical and mental routines to keep my body and mind sharp. Despite those challenges I have chosen to move on because I have something in me that can never be taken away. My belief and faith in my power to change. Those two entities are a "one-two" punch combination for anything that may come against me. I no longer see things as challenges, but rather as life opportunities.


My approach in life has allowed me to gain new relationships, new opportunities and grow in several facets resulting in a new me every day. You must realize that you have a purpose in life too. The road can be tough, but never give up hope because you have the ambition and drive to complete your purpose and with God, you have more than you need to accomplish your dreams. You are more than enough!


Some of my biggest learnings have been through my greatest failures. I am grateful that my failures have allowed me to learn, grow and cherish success now and later. One learning that stands out is that time is an asset. Don't allow anyone to steal it including yourself.

So, today take a moment and remember that even though there are the disappointments, hardship and even people walking away, you are not inadequate, rather you have a dream, a purpose, and a destiny. Again, you matter! You have the power to overcome and exceed any expectations you believe in. Step out on faith and choose.


I am virtually toasting to the new mental, physical and spiritual you. Congratulations! The new you look great so keep daring to journey.



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